www.attorneygeneral.ie | Office of the Attorney General |
www.dppireland.ie | Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions |
www.justice.ie | Department of Justice and Equality |
www.gov.ie | Official website of the Irish Government – providing general information on Ireland, links to government organisations, indices of recent publications and a search engine which searches all government sites |
www.acmhainn.ie | Ar an láithreán seo gheofar foclóirí agus liostaí téarmaíochta, ceachtanna agus téacsanna faoi cheird an aistriúcháin, agus taisce de théacsanna Gaeilge. Acmhainn provides a dictionary of terms and expressions in irish in a variety of subjects. |
www.coimisineir.ie | An Coimisinéir Teanga |
www.basis.ie | Business Access to State Information and Services (BASIS) provides businesses with a single access point to all govenment information and services. |
www.citizensinformation.ie | An Irish government resource providing information on public services |
www.focal.ie | Bunachar náisiúnta téarmaíochta don Ghaeilge, maoinithe ag an AE tríd an gclár Interreg IIIA. The national terminology database for Irish, funded by the EU through the Interreg IIIA programme. |
www.gaeilge.ie | Foras na Gaeilge |
www.irishlaw.org | a list of law related links |
www.lawreform.ie | Law Reform Commission is an independent body corporate established under the Law Reform Commission Act 1975. Its overall function is to keep the law under review and make recommendations for its reform. |
www.legalaidboard.ie | Information on a range of services provided through the Legal Aid Board’s law centres and refugee legal service |
www.oic.gov.ie | Office of the Information Commissioner – information on the Freedom of Information Act in general and, in p articular, on the role of the Office of the Information Commissioner - access to make on-line appeals to the Information Commissioner. |
www.oireachtas.ie | Tithe an Oireachtais (Irish Parliament) |
www.ombudsman.gov.ie | Office of the Ombudsman |
www.injuriesboard.ie | Personal Injuries Assessment Board - a statutory body providing independent assessment of personal injury compensation for victims of workplace, motor and public liability accidents. |
www.publicjobs.ie/ | Public Appointments Service – information on employment opportunities and current vacancies in the public sector. |
www.bettergov.ie | Public Service Modernisation – information source on public service modernisation initiatives and developments. |
www.revenue.ie | Irish Revenue Commissioners |
www.caab.ie | Children Acts Advisory Board |
www.cosc.ie | National Office for the Prevention of Domestic, Sexual and Gender-based Violence |
www.csvc.ie | The Commission for the Support of Victims of Crime is an independent body set up by the Minister for Justice and Equality to disburse funding to organisations who provide support and assistance to victims of crime and assist in the development of strategies and policies to support victims of crime with a view to improving cohesion and consistency of service and information available to victims of crime. |
www.victimsofcrimeoffice.ie | The Victims of Crime Office – works to support the development of competent, caring and efficient services to victims of crime. |
www.edunet.ie | A virtual community for those involved in education in Ireland |
www.kingsinns.ie | Honorable Society of the Kings Inns – comprises benchers, barristers and students. The benchers include all the judges of the Supreme and High Courts and a number of elected barristers. The School of Law is the oldest institution of legal education in Ireland. |
www.jsijournal.ie | Judicial Studies Institute Jounal |
www.nuigalway.ie/law | the Law Faculty at the National University of Ireland, Galway |
www.law.qub.ac.uk | Queen’s University Belfast, School of Law |
www.scoilnet.ie | Educational resources for students, teachers and parents. |
www.tcd.ie | Trinity College Dublin School of Law |
www.ucc.ie | University College Cork Faculty of Law |
www.ucd.ie | University College Dublin Faculty of Law |
www.law.ul.ie | University of Limerick School of Law |
www.socsci.ulster.ac.uk./law | University of Ulster School of Law |
www.lawlibrary.ie | Bar Council of Ireland (Law Library) |
www.business2000.ie | Business2000 is a curriculum linked resource designed to bring real business stories into the classroom |
www.dsba.ie | Dublin Solicitors Bar Association |
www.barlibrary.com | Bar Council and Bar Library in Northern Ireland |
www.courtsni.gov.uk | Northern Ireland Court Service |
www.lawsociety.ie | The Law Society of Ireland – the educational, representatvie and regulatory body of the solicitors’ profession. |